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Host Billie Powers

With over 15 years dedicated to researching Financial Crimes Against Humanity and 18 years in real estate, lending, and forensic fraud audit services, Powers stands at the forefront of the battle against predatory banking and lending practices. A registered Whistleblower with multiple agencies, her expertise has been instrumental in halting the unlawful dispossession of families from their homes and estates, safeguarding their sole equity against corruption.

Powers's resolute commitment to justice is driven by her deep understanding of the predatory nature of banks and lenders, and she tirelessly advocates for legislative accountability to ensure Congressional Banking Regulations effectively protect American citizens. Inspired by historical figures like Congressman McFadden, whose 1932 speech resonated deeply with her, Powers experienced a profound 'aha' moment that further fueled her dedication to her cause.

As the National Chairwoman of Whistleblowers United and a co-chair of the National Committee in Support of Resolution 6021, Powers is at the helm of a crucial movement to eradicate homelessness and predatory lending while spearheading initiatives for affordable housing solutions. Her multifaceted expertise extends to healthcare, where she is also a certified Lymphedema home health care professional.

Powers's ethos is encapsulated in her favorite sayings: "Be a problem solver, not a problem maker" and "If you think something is impossible, you're already behind me." These principles guide her relentless pursuit of justice and reform.Her personal battle against financial corruption drew the support of hundreds of whistleblowers, who collectively presented a trove of evidence seeking a Civil Joiner of Criminal Actions to the US Attorney General. This effort, born from a case where the revered Judge David O. Carter, known as 'the Sledgehammer,' was caught destroying federal evidence, marks a significant chapter in her journey for accountability.

For an in-depth understanding of this landmark case, one can listen to the 'Statement by Billie Rene Powers', a compelling account that offers a glimpse into the courage and tenacity that define her life's work.
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William Wagener, an intrepid investigative reporter and host of the groundbreaking political TV show 'On Second Thought Productions', has spent the past decade uncovering and illuminating the shadowy corners of corruption and conspiracy both in the United States and internationally. With a keen eye for truth and justice, Wagener has conducted in-depth interviews with notable figures such as Ron Paul, alongside a cadre of whistleblowers, to shine a light on systemic abuses of power.

His fearless journalism has exposed some of the most chilling and inhumane practices, including child trafficking orchestrated through the courts and delivered into the hands of abusers. Wagener has highlighted the nefarious activities of groups like "The Finders", who operate under the grim commerce of receiving finder’s fees for channeling innocent children into the hands of sex traffickers and other malevolent entities.

Wagener's dedication to justice extends to uncovering the uncomfortable truths behind national tragedies. His work on the 911 attacks boldly challenges the official narrative, suggesting an insidious demolition and gold heist underpinning the event. A veteran who served our nation, Wagener brings a sense of duty and integrity to his investigative pursuits

As a champion for the disenfranchised, Wagener has also brought attention to foreclosure cases that have not only stripped families of their homes but heartbreakingly, of their children. His steadfast commitment to these causes has not only informed the public but has also fueled the drive for systemic reform. William Wagener stands as a paragon of investigative journalism, unafraid to confront the dark realities of our society, relentlessly seeking to spark conversation, action, and change.
You can also click here Screen Shot 2022-02-27 at 2.34.31 PM for more information as it becomes available.

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Host Faith Brashear

Brashear stands as a beacon of integrity and relentless pursuit of justice in the complex landscape of mortgage fraud within the California Inland Empire. With a distinguished tenure at leading financial institutions including Wells Fargo, Countrywide, and Bank of America, her insights into the inner workings of the mortgage industry are unparalleled. Over a decade of advocacy, combined with a robust 20-year background in real estate, mortgages, and contract law, has positioned Brashear as a formidable force against financial malfeasance.

Her collaboration with IRS and SEC whistleblowers has peeled back the layers on the misuse of GAAP contra accounting principles, revealing schemes designed to defraud the American populace. Brashear's work extends beyond exposure; her contributions to unveiling third-party graft bribes, laundered through judicial systems in over 3000 fraudulent foreclosure cases, underscore her role in one of California's most significant RICO revelations.

Brashear's courageous efforts have not gone unnoticed. Facing intimidation and direct threats, she has stood firm against criminal cartels attempting to manipulate the justice system, including rigging jury trials and deploying coercion tactics. Her analytical breakdown of SEC securities fraud, focusing on "IN UNIFORM TITLE" documents, highlights the intricate web of deceit involving timing devices and triggers meant to simulate consumer defaults.

Dubbed by many as "the whistleblower from hell," Brashear's investigative prowess is set to reach a wider audience through an upcoming documentary, "DIRTY DEEDS." This film promises to lay bare the origins of systemic denial of due process to homeowners, diving deep into matters of national security without restraint.

Unbound by gag orders, Brashear's voice is a clarion call for transparency and accountability, echoing through the halls of power and inspiring a new generation of legal advocates and whistleblowers. Her work is not just a career; it's a crusade for justice in the face of overwhelming odds.
Her wholesale mortgage broker agreements can be found here. Screen Shot 2022-02-27 at 2.34.31 PM