This is the backup channel to William WAGNER's On Second Thought. These are the original political TV show uncovering conspiracies and corruption in the USA and abroad for the past 10 years.
SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS To have William speak at your event, please send an email to williamwagener2@gmail.com with "SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT OST" in the subject. Due to large demand, for Williams to cover your story, understand this is on a case by case basis.
In RE: 10b5 Safe Harbor enjoinders:
Dear DOD, Congress, the Governmental, and our Military Brothers and Sisters, please see the attached 10 year documentation of unheard grievances. We are starting with the oldest first)
We are taking the time over the course of these next few weeks to upload testimony from Attorneys, FBI, DOJ, Senators, and ET AL: Members of WE THE PEOPLE who have had their Constitutional rights usurped.
For purposes of this submission the following video testimony has been organized as follows:
(click to go to the links provided)
Bank Fraud:
Court Corruption:
Court Mortgage Fraud:
Court Tax Fraud:
Family Court:
Family Court CPS:
For purposes of a backup channel, all videos have been privately archived and have been organized as follows on Rumble and are accessible by clicking on the above picture. They are there for your viewing enjoyment should you wish to explore the thousands of footage captured. You are welcome to subscribe to see when videos are being uploaded, however we suggest you might wait until we are up to date with everything:
PUBLIC vs. Private: