Ask the Q uestion
22/02/22 07:41

The DOCUMENTARY that details these crimes is currently under construction. We are working diligently to get this to you as quickly as possible. For now you can see a quick synapsis on Episode #3 'TUMORS' IN THE COURT.

IN RE: U.S. Const. Art. 1, § 8, cl. 1,3,5,6,18…"MATTERS of national security cannot tolerate any blind spots”
When did it become permissible to allow a NA BANKING MEMBER "BORROWER" to influence Congress so far beyond these provisional scopes as to pass such laws for the credit of the US to be hypothecated by utilizing citizens as congressional co-signers in Congress stead (cl.2)? For attorneys see Nos. 19-715, 19-760.
It has become clear that as a Nation, we have been under attack. As one Nation under God, we must come together to fight our enemies, both foreign and domestic. We understand that COVID-19 was never about the virus, and we are watching history unfold. This update comes after an attack upon the White Hat supporters in our group. A massive illegal foreclosure wave is positioning to hit our Nation. You who are finding this, are already aware of what has been going down. We can no longer afford to be ignorant of the colorful laws being misused. If you are facing an illegal foreclosure with the Mortgage Electronic Registration System, (MERS) as a beneficiary upon a TITLE DEED, then you hold an instrument of treason against the People of the United State of America.
Notices to all States have been issued via social media to Governors who are turning a blind eye to over 20 Million foreclosures. The Courts were NOT GRANTED authority to do so, and all BAD ACTORS will be brought before tribunals should these criminal syndicates continue. Now I know that this statement might seem unreal, however the details of these illicit relationships will be the SUBJECT of our upcoming documentary.
This is a quick background:
In 1999 Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) voted with 89 others to repeal certain previsions of Glass-Steagall's regulations. The repeal vote included the following: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.), House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R-Ohio), and Minority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.).
By the removal of certain provisions within Glass-Steagall, NA banks such as UBS and Deutschebank Securities new allowed to not only swap around and underwrite their own securities, but were allowed unlimited access using MERS MIN (Member Identification Number) to breach the PUBLIC TRUST/s/.
These congressional passages revolve around a bonus depreciation provision that President George W. Bush signed into law in 2002 allowing taxpayers to immediately deduct 30% of the cost of new assets acquired during the provision’s applicability; the remaining 70% would be deducted under otherwise applicable MACRS accounting rules, which are modified accelerated cost recovery systems for depreciation purposes.
Both the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, signed by President Bush, and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, signed by President Obama, instituted a 50% bonus depreciation allowance. Later, the Tax Relief, Unemployment Compensation Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 further increased the allowance to 100% – such that the asset would be fully depreciated in the year of acquisition.
Let's explain this in layman's terms:
This meant that the lending industry via presidential and congressional intent was allowed to buy worthless sub prime loans and get a 100 percent tax credit by cancelling it day one under 26 US Code Section 61 (a) (1) Cancellation of debt and conversion to income paid on a tax payer form 1099.
Within stock verbiage of a "Deed of Trust", we as individuals from across this nation "appointed" MERS as nominee for beneficiary interests. So ask yourself, why would a "borrower" need to be nominating the network and value of a pass-through grantor trust at any given point in time? They wouldn’t, this is the con job that was pulled on you.
The PUBLIC were never told that "ALL officers of the Court are Directors, Collectors, or Representatives of the IRS for such TRUSTING SUBJECT MATTERS. See Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 81(f); States "Courts" are NOT acting with the "GOVERNMENT" for civilian protection.
States that are acting as custodians for their PEOPLE, for MORTGAGE purposes, have been enabling its CITIZENS to act as co-signers for the constitutional role of Congress as an implied member thereof. This was done for the beneficiary interests of an undisclosed NA MERS BORROWING BANK that trademarked WE THE PEOPLE in the NAME of the UNITED STATES. Meaning that WE were "systematically" targeted by race, class and economic tier for the purpose of certificate trading upon the Securities and Exchange Commission as COLLATERAL for the ability to repay what the banks "borrowed" in trade.
Though the law is quite clear in these "SUBJECT" matters, violation of the PEOPLE/s/ unalienable rights breached the equal protection laws guaranteed by the Constitution on a Nationwide scale. None of the MERS foreclosures that ensued were legitimate.